4 News Briefs
Maine nurses picket and tech staff unionize 5 | CHS
RNs call for ouster of CEO, picket in West Virginia
6 | NNU federal bill to prevent workplace violence
advances 7 | Nurses file complaints against UCMC;
Barton Memorial RNs strike 8 | Nurses' Medicare
for All movement builds undeniable momentum
10 | NNU reintroduces federal safe staffing ratios
bill 11 | Nurses picket Tenet hospitals; Jackson
Park RNs protest OB-GYN closure 12 | RNs and
veterans expose privatization of VA health care
13 | Nurses speak out against merger 14 | RNs
cheer contract ratifications at Good Samaritan Los
Angeles, Henry Mayo, Kindred Westminster,
Providence Little Company of Mary, and Providence
Saint John's.
15 What nurses really want
Forget hospital swag or meditation rocks! RNs
demand safe staffing, safe workplaces, and
guaranteed health care.
By Bonnie Castillo, RN
The Bully of Baltimore
Nurses and community members stand up to
Johns Hopkins' attacks against employees and
By Lucia Hwang
A P R I L | M AY | J U N E 2 0 1 9 W W W . N A T I O N A L N U R S E S U N I T E D . O R G N A T I O N A L N U R S E 3
ON THE COVER: National Nurses United RNs
applauded the June 11 passage of their federal
bill to prevent workplace violence, H.R. 1309,
out of the House Committee on Education and
Labor. From left: Margaret Shanks, RN and
NNU executive council member, Jean Ross, RN
and NNU president, and Brenda King, RN.