4 News Briefs
Michigan legislators, RNs call for safe staffing limits
5 | Mount Sinai RNs blaze trail to better staffing
enforcement 6 | RNs fight to hold corporate
hospital executives accountable to patients,
workers, communities 7 | RNs commemorate
Nurses Week with federal lobbying blitz; Concord
health RNs strike for first time, seeking fair contract
8 | VA nurses sign new three-year contract;
Medicare for All and paid family and medical leave
bills introduced 9 | Maine's safe staffing bill moves
forward 10 | St. Rose Hospital RNs ratify new
contract; Hazel Hawkins nurses fight to save their
hospital; PIH Good Sam RNs approve new
agreement; George Washington University Hospital
nurses persevere in unionizing drive.
11 The Heat is On
Temps are rising this summer, and so are U.S. union
By Bonnie Castillo, RN
Three Affirmations for
Today's Union Nurse
Three affirmations all nurses must hear
to stay true to themselves and the profession.
By Michelle Morris
ON THE COVER: New York State Nurses Associ-
ation RNs in New York City went on strike this
January to secure safe staffing ratios in their
collective bargaining agreements. In spring,
nurses at Mount Sinai Hospital won unprece-
dented enforcement of their new contract's
staffing standards.
J U LY | A U G U S T | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 3 W W W . N A T I O N A L N U R S E S U N I T E D . O R G N A T I O N A L N U R S E 3