n july, George Washington University
Hospital nurses voted overwhelmingly
to elect the District of Columbia Nurses
Association (DCNA) as their collective
bargaining representative. Nurses voted
310-207 in favor of the union, making clear
their desire to be represented by DCNA.
Nurse organizers stated "we won a legally
protected, unified voice. This is a victory for
nurses and patients everywhere. We are
grateful for our community at GW and look
forward to continuing to work together for
positive change."
Edward Smith, executive director of
DCNA, stated "this is the biggest win for DC
nurses in over four decades and is reflective
of a sea change in organizing not only in the
District of Columbia, but throughout the
United States. It shows that when nurses
stand together against a billion dollar, for-
profit, anti-union employer, we can still
Smith also stated that DCNA will for-
mally demand that Universal Health
Services, the owner and operator of GWUH,
come to the bargaining table.
DCNA represents approximately 2,000
nurses and licensed professional health care
workers in the District of Columbia, and is
an affiliate of National Nurses United, AFL-
—Staff report
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DC nurses vote to unionize
George Washington University Hospital RNs join DCNA
O C T O B E R | N O V E M B E R | D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 3 W W W . N A T I O N A L N U R S E S U N I T E D . O R G N A T I O N A L N U R S E 17