National Nurses United

RNs In Motion CNA-NNU

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Safe Patient Handling — NNU nurses sponsored landmark legislation that was signed into law in 2011 and provides the most comprehensive pro- visions in the country to prevent manual patient lifting to protect nurses from back and musculoskel- etal injuries. Infectious Diseases — In 2014–15, CNA won landmark mandatory Ebola guidance in California, and collective bargaining agreements across the country with strong infectious disease protections. During the Covid-19 pandemic, CNA/NNU nurses have won countless improvements in our facilities, from safer personal protective equipment (PPE) standards to contact tracing and testing, to paid leave following an exposure, and more. CNA-spon- sored legislation effective April 1, 2021 required California hospitals to maintain three-month stockpiles of new, unexpired PPE. Nursing Practice Nursing Practice provides continuing education pro- grams and monitors professional practice issues and trends affecting direct-care RNs. The department is a resource for CNA/NNU contract-mandated Pro- fessional Practice Committees (PPC) in each facility to ensure that nursing practice laws and patient advocacy regulations are observed. The CNA/NNU Joint Nursing Practice Commission makes policy recommendations to the board of directors on nursing practice issues. Education, Social Justice and Equity, and Research The Education division develops and provides continuing education courses to complement courses offered by the Nursing Practice department. CNA/NNU educators use tools from their research and teaching backgrounds to design classes that explore in depth a variety of aspects of the politi- cal economy of nursing and their ramifications for patient advocacy. The Social Justice and Equity division provides training, resources, leadership development, and coordination of our union's fights for racial, gender, economic, health care, and environmental justice. The division supports nurses in developing our skills and understanding of social justice unionism with the goal of building a healthy and just world for all people. The Research division provides political and eco- nomic policy analysis in health care and other industries. In collaboration with CNA/NNU as a whole, Research helps develop and articulate stra- tegic approaches in addition to creating reports to illustrate the current health care crisis in this coun- try. Research publishes the Annual Hospital 200, a well-respected compendium that examines hospital charges nationwide. Communications Communications ensures that the voice of direct-care RNs is prominently heard throughout electronic, print, and social media on a wide range of nursing, patient protection, and health care policy issues. The department also publishes National Nurse magazine, and other materials to inform RNs about critical developments affecting members, fellow RNs, and patients. The communication department develops and maintains the organiza- tion's social media and websites. Executive Office The Executive Office works closely with the board of directors to implement the policies and programs of the organization, including the development of both state and national policy on a number of health care issues, such as worker protection and patient advo- cacy legislation. The Executive Office provides over- sight and ensures integration of all departments. Registered Nurse Response Network The seeds of the Registered Nurse Response Net- work (RNRN) were planted firmly in the minds of CNA/NNU when, in the days following the 2004 South Asian tsunami, our offices were flooded by calls from RNs across the nation frustrated by the scarcity of volunteer opportunities for direct-care nurses. When Hurricane Katrina hit the following year, no time was wasted. By the time the floodwaters were receding, more than 300 RNs were placed in understaffed public hospitals, triage clinics, and other facilities through- out the Gulf region. RNRN was officially launched the following year. When the devastating 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti in 2010, RNRN's roster of RN volunteers grew to more than 14,000. RNs were dispatched to relieve exhausted nurses aboard the USNS Comfort, which treated the most severely injured. Teams of RNs worked alongside local Haitian doctors and nurses at Sacré Coeur Hospital, located 80 miles north of Port au Prince, in the months following the quake. Other major RNRN deployments include Hurricane Sandy in 2012, the Philippines' Super Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda in 2013, more missions aboard the USNS Comfort hospital ship, the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota, Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, Northern California after the Camp Fire, providing aid to refugee families at a Tucson border shelter, missions to Guatemala for basic medical care and after a volcanic eruption, Camp Laurel serving youth with HIV, and a Covid vaccination clinic in South Los Angeles. Today RNRN has a national network of 28,500 volunteers. Sign up to volunteer and/or donate at: 15

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