National Nurses United

RNs In Motion CNA-NNU

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2010 More than 8,000 HCA and Tenet RNs in Nevada, Texas, Missouri, and Florida join NNOC/NNU. 14,000 RNs sign up to volunteer for RNRN's Haiti earthquake relief mission, which sends nurses aboard USNS Comfort and to Sacré Coeur Hospital in north- ern Haiti. 1,300 RNs at the University of Chicago Medical Center become the first hospital to vote to join NNU followed by 1,600 RNs at Washington, D.C.'s largest hospital, Washington Hospital Center. 2011 In the aftermath of the financial crisis, NNU launches the Main Street Campaign for the American people to fight austerity measures and demand social, economic, and environmental justice. Sept. 1, NNU holds 60 actions in 21 states involving 10,000 RNs, bringing national attention to the need for a tax on Wall Street to heal America. CNA wins passage of bill requiring all California hospi- tals have a safe patient handling policy, including "lift teams" trained to lift patients using proper equipment. Chicago Landslide — Jackson Park Hospital RNs vote by 85 percent to join NNU, bringing the total of NNOC/NNU RNs in Chicago to 4,200. 2012 CNA issues a major report calling for nonprofit hospi- tals to be held accountable for providing charity care. NNU RNs lead 6,000 activists in Chicago rally on the eve of the G-8 and NATO summits. Medicare for All California bus tour visits 18 cities with free health screenings and town hall meetings reaching thousands. 2013 CNA/NNU joins nurses and health care workers' unions in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe to create Global Nurses United to fight austerity measures and work collectively to win universal health care as a human right for all. RNRN deploys teams of volunteer RNs to the Phil- ippines in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Haiyan/ Yolanda, one of the worst storms on record. 2014 NNU launches "Insist on an RN" multimedia campaign to raise public awareness that health care technology cannot supplant the knowledge and experience of bedside nurses. NNU sounds alarm on hospitals' lack of Ebola prepara- tion, and CNA wins nation's toughest safety standards to protect patients and health care workers through Cal/OSHA guidelines. CNA sponsors and wins S.B. 1299, the nation's stron- gest workplace violence prevention legislation despite staunch opposition from the hospital industry. 1,200 RNs at Kaiser's flagship Southern California hospital, Los Angeles Medical Center, vote to join CNA. 2015 Nurses step up political activism, opposing the Trans- Pacific Partnership agreement and celebrating Medi- care's 50th anniversary in cities across the country. In August, NNU is first national union to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders for president. 2016 Nurses seize historic opportunity to support a presi- dential candidate whose platform aligns perfectly with nurses' values, Sen. Bernie Sanders. NNU hosts the People's Summit in Chicago, gathering more than 3,000 nurses and progressive allies to discuss and plan how to grow the movement for social justice. Cal/OSHA votes to adopt the nation's strongest health care workplace violence prevention regulations, thanking CNA for its advocacy and leadership on this issue. NNU successfully petitions the federal govern- ment to adopt the same standards. CNA/NNU launches the Nurses Health and Safety campaign, a national network of nurses and allies committed to collectively advocating for nurse and patient health and safety through direct action, and in the legislative and regulatory arenas. RNRN sends volunteer nurses to the Standing Rock Sioux reservation to provide medical support for Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) protesters protecting the Missouri River watershed. 8 RNs in Motion

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