National Nurses United

NNOC 101

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17 YOUR RIGHT TO ORGANIZE You have a legal right to organize under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), a federal labor law. In the case of many public hospitals, state law that is similar to the NLRA governs the process. YOUR RIGHTS You have the right to: X Sign an NNOC card and attend meetings to discuss NNOC X Talk to other nurses about NNOC during work time just as you are allowed to discuss other personal matters such as soccer games or your children X Hand out written materials on nonwork time (breaks, etc.) in nonwork areas such as the cafeteria, locker rooms, and nurses' lounge X Post NNOC materials on general purpose bulletin boards, distribute in mailboxes, etc. It is illegal for your employer to require you to discuss your feelings about NNOC or to discipline you in any way for exercising your rights to join or support NNOC. ANTI-UNION EMPLOYER CAMPAIGNS Most hospitals hire professional consultants to try and stop nurses from organizing. Hospitals typically pay consultants $3,000 – $4,000 per day! Despite these consultants, RNs have won 95 percent of their NNOC elections. When nurses are united in their desire to organize, they have had great success in defeating these campaigns. For more information on anti-union campaigns, see the NNOC publication: Navigating Through an Anti-Union Campaign. OVER THE PAST 20 YEARS, CNA/NNOC HAS GROWN EXPONENTIALLY. CNA/NNOC AND OTHER NNU AFFILIATES HAVE WON REPRESENTATION FOR MORE THAN 54,000 RNS AT 85 HOSPITALS IN 15 STATES.

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