National Nurses United

NNOC 101

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10 NEW STANDARDS FOR RNS AND PATIENT PROTECTION NNOC contracts have created new standards for RNs and patient protection. A crucial part of quality patient care is reversing the trend of inadequate hospital staffing that is putting patients at risk and driving nurses out of the profession. NNOC representation provides RNs with the tools to have a real voice in patient care decisions, which we use to create safer health care facilities to protect our patients, our licenses, and ourselves. NNOC contracts include nondiscrimination language related to work, such as seniority, age, race, and gender. STAFFING RATIOS PROTECTIONS NNOC contracts often contain one or more of the following safe staffing protections: X Ratios: the golden standard X Staffing based on patient acuity X Advocacy X Enforcement (arbitration) X Break relief RNs who don't count toward the staffing matrix X Prohibition on cancelling nurses if that causes the unit to be out of compliance with the staffing matrix PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE COMMITTEES NNOC contracts negotiate staff RN-controlled commit- tees with the authority to document unsafe practices and the power to make real changes. The Professional Practice Committee (PPC) is an elected, staff RN committee with representatives from every major nursing unit. The PPC meets in the hospital on paid time and tracks unsafe con- ditions through an independent documentation system called the Assignment Despite Objection (ADO). SAFE LIFT POLICIES X Contract language to assure safer lift practices, including "appropriately trained and designated staff" to assist with patient handling, available 24 hours a day TECHNOLOGY WON'T REPLACE RN JUDGMENT X Precedent-setting language that prevents new technology from displacing RNs or RN professional judgment FLOATING POLICY IMPROVEMENTS X Floating not required outside the RN's clinical area X No floating allowed unless RN clinically competent X Limits on floating if the sending unit does not comply with the mandated staffing matrices BAN ON MANDATORY OVERTIME X Prevents nurses working when they are exhausted, endangering patients CHARGE RN X Not counted in the staffing matrix. Has the authority to increase staffing as needed PAID EDUCATION LEAVE X Up to 12 days per year RESOURCE RNS X RNs who are not given a patient care assignment or counted in the patient acuity mix available to assist RNs as needed on their units CNA/NNOC contracts include patient protection standards that give us the authority to directly improve patient care at our facilities. For example, binding arbitration for safe staffing is a historic contract gain that gives our Professional Practice Committee the power to improve staffing on units and protect patient safety. Every RN contract should have these kinds of standards and, eventually, they will." — Marissa Lee, RN, CNA/NNOC Board Member Osceola Regional Medical Center, Kissimmee, Fla. " Why RNs Vote for NNOC »

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