National Nurses United

RNs In Motion NNOC

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RNs in Motion » 7 Elected Nurse Leadership Structure WHO WE ARE Board of Directors CNA/NNOC members elect the board, delegates to the Convention, Ballot Committee, and the Joint Nursing Practice Commission. All CNA/NNOC policy is formulated and directed by members through this representative democracy structure. The national elec- tions are conducted in the spring every three years. Council of Presidents Reflecting explosive growth in membership and activity, a four-RN Council of Presidents was overwhelmingly elected in May 2007. The presidents elected to a three-year term in 2023 are: Cokie Giles, RN; Cathy Kennedy, RN; Sandy Reding, RN; and Michelle Gutierrez Vo, RN. CNA/NNOC Convention The Convention is the triennial fall meeting of CNA/ NNOC-elected RN delegates. The Convention acts on proposed bylaw amendments and formulates policies through adopting resolutions. Each CNA/NNOC region is allotted a specific number of delegates in accordance with CNA/NNOC bylaws. Any member in good standing is eligible to submit a consent-to-serve form and appear on the ballot as a candidate for delegate. In between the conventions, the CNA/NNOC board carries out and formulates policy. Board meetings are open to all members. NNU Convention In addition, our members also elect delegates to the National Nurses United Convention, which then elects the officers of NNU. Elected Member Committees » The Ballot Committee is an elected committee that oversees the conduct of CNA/NNOC's elections. » The Joint Nursing Practice Commission makes policy recommendations to the board on nursing practice issues. Bylaws and Resolutions Bylaws are the rules adopted by an organization for managing its internal affairs. These rules state the pur- pose and functions of the association, determine how and by whom the organization is run, and establish the criteria for membership and dues assessment. Resolutions are formal position statements voted on at the Convention. Examples of past resolutions include issues such as international nurse recruitment, new technology, patient advocacy, environmental justice, and voting rights. Bylaw proposals and resolutions are submitted by individual members and by structural units to the bylaws and resolutions committees for review. The committees then forward the proposals to the Convention, where the proposals are discussed and voted on by the elected delegates. NNOC CODE OF CONDUCT NNOC is committed to providing a safe and respectful environment free from discrimination and harassment, and other unacceptable behavior based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, or immigration status. It is our union's duty to prioritize that commitment and expectation that all NNOC leaders, members, and staff will carry out that goal and be a model for others. NNOC does not tolerate discrimination or harassment in the workplace, in a union meeting or other union-spon- sored action or event, or in other public expressions, including social media, whether the discrimination or harassment is committed by a supervisor, coworker, staff, or anyone else. If you are subject to, or witness to discrimination, harass- ment, or other unacceptable behavior under this Code of Conduct in the workplace, or at a union activity or meeting, please inform a NNOC staff person or elected NNOC leader to respond to the complaint. It is expected that elected leaders and representatives of the union will also act to oppose acts of discrimination by others, espe- cially in the workplace and at union events and meetings. It is the responsibility of the union to follow up on all complaints. NNOC takes these complaints seriously and may, at its discretion, take action that it deems appropriate upon assessing the situation. Possible responses may include a warning to or expulsion of the alleged offender from the NNOC activity, event, or meeting. There will be no retali- ation or other adverse action taken against any individual who makes a complaint.

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