National Nurses United

RNs In Motion NNOC

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38 » RNs in Motion Grievance Policy and Organizing WORKPLACE ISSUES WHY GRIEVANCES ARE NOT ENOUGH Grievance and arbitration, negotiated into every NNOC contract, is a formal, time-limited procedure used to resolve individual and group issues with management. A grievance is a claim by a member or by the organi- zation that there has been a violation of the contract or a law. Management knows whether you are alone or whether your colleagues are supporting the grievance as well. Resolving issues is less about individual skill and more about the balance of power in your unit and in your facility. Simply filing a grievance and waiting for the process does little to alter that balance of power in the nurse's favor. It is usually not a collective activity, but it is carried out by one individual, the nurse representative/shop steward. It takes the issue off the unit and out of your hands. While the grievance slowly winds its way through the process, you have nothing to do but wait. The NNOC Philosophy in Handling Grievances » Grievances are best settled based on the support we have among our colleagues, not by pure reason. » An NNOC agreement merely lays down some of the rules for the ongoing struggle with our employers to maintain and improve our conditions. A union agreement does not settle things for all time. » There is rarely an undisputed interpretation of contract language. » Grievances must sometimes be filed, but they should also be fought for by: › Making them visible and public, so that everyone is aware of what is taking place. › Making them collective, group grievances involving as many members as possible. › Making them active, involving numbers of RNs in various actions. » Being mobilized to face the hospital management that is causing the problem and that has the power to resolve them. YOUR ORGANIZING TOOLBOX » Informational flyers (just remember that management is reading your flyers too) » Open letters or petitions to management signed by most of the unit » Organized calls and emails to the administration » Department staff meeting (lead discussion concerning the issue) » Staffing surveys, issue surveys » Assignment Despite Objection (ADO) forms » Patient Care Report that documents specific patient-care issues from the staffing survey and ADOs » Verbally confronting management at the beginning of shift concerning assignments and the need for more staff » Delegation visit to the CEO or CNO » Invite the CNO to a PPC meeting to discuss the issue after you have an initial plan » Next steps: informational picket, candlelight vigil at hospital, media coverage, etc. partial list

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