National Nurses United

National Nurse magazine October-November-December 2024

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NATIONAL NURSE,™ (USPS publication permit number 0807-560/ISSN 2153- 0386 print/ISSN 2153-0394 online) The Voice of National Nurses United, October-November-December 2024 (Volume 120/4) is published by National Nurses United, 155 Grand Avenue, Oak- land, CA 94612-2908. It provides news of or ganizational activities and reports on developments of concern to all regis- tered nurses across the nation. It also carries general coverage and commen tary on matters of nursing practice, community and public health, and health care policy. It is published quarterly, with combined issues in January-February-March (win- ter), April-May-June (spring), July-August- September (summer), and October- November-December (fall). Periodicals postage paid at Oakland, California. POSTMASTER: send address changes to National Nurse, ™ 155 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA 94612-2908. To send a media release or announce- ment, fax (510) 663-0629. National Nurse™ is carried on the NNU website at For permission to reprint articles, write to Editorial Office. To subscribe, send $40 ($45 foreign) to Subscription Department. Please contact us with your story ideas They can be about practice or manage- ment trends you've observed, or simply something new you've encountered in the profession. They can be about one nurse, unit, or hospital, or about the wider landscape of healthcare policy from an RN's perspective. They can be humorous, or a matter of life and death. If you're a writer and would like to contribute an article, please let us know. You can reach us at EXECUTIVE EDITOR Bonnie Castillo, RN EDITOR Lucia Hwang GRAPHIC DESIGN Jonathan Wieder COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Sarah Cecile CONTRIBUTORS Rachel Berger, Lucy Diavolo, Kari Jones, Michelle Morris, Chuleenan Svetvilas, Martha Wallner PHOTOGRAPHY Jaclyn Higgs, Tad Keyes, Choppy Oshiro Letter from the NNU presidents Stay connected FACEBOOK: TWITTER: @NationalNurses FLICKR: VIMEO: DIGITAL MAGAZINE: well hello, hello! You might be noticing some new faces in the photo. That's because National Nurses United has seated a new Council of Presidents for a three-year term: Jamie Brown, RN, from Michigan; Nancy Hagans, RN, from New York; Cathy Kennedy, RN, from California; and Mary Turner, RN, from Minnesota. We are excited and honored to be entrusted by you to lead this trailblazing organization. We are also grateful to previ- ous members of the Council of Presidents who recently retired and whose courage and foresight we celebrated at our triennial convention this fall: Deborah Burger, RN; Jean Ross, RN; and Zenei Triunfo-Cortez, RN—as well as the outgoing secretary-treasurer Martha Kuhl, RN. You can read about some of the convention highlights in this issue of the magazine. As our Executive Director Bonnie Castillo, RN, describes within these pages, no matter how you voted in the November election, nurses share the same mission of always advocating for our patients and therefore share the same issues and fights: safe staffing, prevention of workplace violence, health and safety on the job, protecting the integrity of nursing prac- tice, securing a livelihood that provides for ourselves and our families, and of course winning guaranteed health care for our patients and our communities through a Medicare for All system. We remain committed to these fundamental cam- paigns and are confident that, when we stay in solidarity and fight together, we can achieve all this and more. This magazine serves to share our challenges, our victo- ries, and most important of all, our stories. In this issue, you'll find news of the historic first strike waged by Univer- sity Medical Center nurses in Louisiana, of how health care workers at Sparrow Hospital in Michigan are fighting might- ily for a fair first contract with new owners U of M Health, and how nurses working for Ascension drew upon them- selves as a collective of union nurses to survive a cyberattack this spring that wiped out most of their computer systems. We hope you are able to use at least part of this holiday season to rest, recharge, and be with the ones you love most. We have a lot of work ahead of us in 2025 and beyond, so get ready. Jamie Brown, RN; Nancy Hagans, RN; Cathy Kennedy, RN; Mary Turner, RN National Nurses United Presidents

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