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CE_Nov REV 6/30/11 12:45 PM Page 19 For continuing education credit of 2.0 hours, please complete the following test, including the registration form at the bottom, and return to: NNU Nursing Practice, 2000 Franklin St., Oakland, CA 94612. We must receive the complete home study no later than October 15, 2011 in order for you to receive your continuing education credit. 1. Ensuring that all direct-care RNs have the skill and knowledge of how to recognize early alteration in the patient's physical and cognitive condition requires a vibrant education/in-service department, and a commitment to striving for true excellence. 6. Minimum staffing ratios and staffing up based on acuity is a safety standard that allows the direct-care RN's physical presence and her/his ability to directly observe the early signs and symptoms of the beginning of a patient's decline. ❏ True ❏ True 2. Collaboration with a charge nurse, clinical nurse specialist (CNS), or resource nurse validates deterioration of the patient's condition. 7. The safe staffing standards in California allow the hospital to "break" the ratios when the rapid response team is responding to the stat page. ❏ True ❏ True ❏ False ❏ False 5. Consultants created the RRT to compensate for systemic factors that include failure to assess and plan patient care, failure to communicate, and failure to recognize deteriorating patient condition. ❏ True 8. The direct-care registered nurse assigned to the patient has the responsibility and accountability for identifying and recognizing the patient's deteriorating condition. ❏ True ❏ False 9. Research has shown that Rapid Response Teams do cut death rates. It has been scientifically validated. 4. In addition to being an effective evidence-based patient safety strategy, rapid response teams are a good way to measure patient satisfaction. ❏ True ❏ False ❏ False 3. Highly paid management consultants' "best practices" show that patients can be cared for on the med/surg unit rather than ICU or step-down with the RRT ready for "justin-time" nursing and medicine. ❏ True ❏ False ❏ False ❏ True Continuing Education Test Rapid Response Teams ❏ False 10. The Rapid Response Team may have resulted in an increase in patients and families issuing "Do Not Resuscitate" or DNR orders that prohibit hospital staff from taking life-saving measures. ❏ True ❏ False ❏ False Name:________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ City:______________________________________________ State:_________ Zip: __________________________ Day phone with message machine: _____________________________ Email: _______________________________ RN license #: ______________________________Job Classification: ______________________________________ JUNE 2011 W W W. N AT I O N A L N U R S E S U N I T E D . O R G N AT I O N A L N U R S E 19