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Bylaws.2:Text to Black 5/29/09 9:59 AM Page 34 gates attending a regular or special House of DelegatesConvention meeting, providing at least sixty (60) days advance notice of the proposed action and Convention meeting date and location was provided to members, given the total membership of such proposed action, or if it is not possible to obtain a House of DelegatesConvention meeting quorum, by an affirmative vote of at least eighty (80) percent affirmation vote ofof the current members of the CNA Board. In the event dissolution is approved, Tthe powers of the CNA Board to manage the affairs of the Corporation shall exist to the extent and continue for such time as may be necessary to accomplish dissolution, as provided by applicable law. as long as required in order to completely consummate this decision. C. Voluntary dissolution of CNA shall be subject to the procedures of California law. ARTICLE XV Amendments 2. The maximum amount of Regular dues shall increase annually, effective July 1, based on the average wage increase in the preceding calendar year at Kaiser, UC and CHW facilities. 3. Associate member dues shall be fifty (50) percent of the Regular dues. CNA BOARD Meetings 1. One (1) regular meeting of the CNA Board shall be held within three (3) months following each House of Delegatesregular Convention meeting. 2. A CNA Board report stating Board action shall appear in the official publication of CNA following each CNA Board meeting. Conduct of Business Provided that notice of any proposed amendment or revision is mailed to the membership at least ninety (90) days preceding the first day of the a regular Convention meeting of the House of Delegates or thirty (30) days preceding a special Convention meeting, these bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the credentialed delegates in attendance at the House of DelegatesConvention meeting. ARTICLE XVI Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER, NEWLY REVISED, latest edition, shall govern this Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws or standing rules of this Association. 1. The CNA periodical shall be published monthly with at least ten (10) issues per year. 2. Classified ads of jobs available shall be published in the California Nurse. 3. Name or names of persons who have rendered distinguished service or valuable assistance to the nursing profession may be recommended by the CNA Board for honorary recognition at any meeting of the House of DelegatesConvention. BYLAWS REVIEW The region shall allow sixty (60) days between the date the proposed bylaws or amendments are submitted and the scheduled date of presentation to region membership. PART II STANDING RULES PREFACE: These items are supplemental to the bylaws and cannot be in conflict with the bylaws. Standing rules are of a semi-permanent nature containing policies or rules relating to the administration of the Association. Standing rules usually amplify or implement a general statement in the bylaws. They are in effect until rescinded. Standing rules are controlled by the House of DelegatesConvention and may be adopted by a majority vote; may be amended or rescinded by a majority vote with notice or a two-thirds (2/3) vote without previous notice. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES 1. Membership dues may be paid on an annual, installment payment, electronic funds transfer (EFT), or payroll deduction basis. Members paying by methods other than payroll deduction shall pay the per month maximum for their membership category with exceptions for special circumstances by the CNA Board of Directors. 34 REGISTERED NURSE HOUSE OF DELEGATESCONVENTION MEETINGS AND DELEGATES 1. All necessary materials, including those pertaining to implementing and funding the strategic plan, shall be forwarded to the delegates no less than thirty (30) days prior to the House of DelegatesConvention meeting for their review. 2. Nursing students, upon payment of appropriate registration fee, may be admitted to theattend CNA House of DelegatesConvention meetings. 3. The chairperson of each delegation, at least one-half (1/2) hour before the opening of each session of the aHouse of DelegatesConvention meeting: a. Shall ascertain that all elected delegates are present and properly credentialed b. Shall, if there is a vacancy at this time, or any time while the House of DelegatesConvention is in session, see that an alter- W W W. C A L N U R S E S . O R G M AY 2 0 0 9