12 Slice and Dice
Hospitals are using the recession as an opportunity to plead poverty
and cut patient services, departments, and staff. By Lucia Hwang
16 The Accidental Teacher
Board member Cathy Kennedy went into nursing instead of education,
not realizing that she'd be doing both as an RN leader. By Lucia Hwang
4 News Briefs
RNs take over nation's capital during national day of action;
Maine RNs pass MRSA screening law; What model of nursing
are you?; RNs fight to save San Leandro Hospital; Ohio RNs
lobby the state Legislature; Pennsylvania RNs share personal
testimony in favor of single-payer; Texas RNs influence legislation.
11 Making History
The national nurses movement staged unprecedented actions
and introduced a groundbreaking national ratios bill in May.
By Rose Ann DeMoro
on the cover: Nearly 500 registered nurses from
across the United States gathered in Washington, D.C.
this May to introduce a national ratios bill and rally for
guaranteed healthcare by expanding Medicare for all.
Photo by Jaclyn Higgs.
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