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Bylaws.2:Text to Black 5/29/09 9:59 AM Page 33 3. Notification of Eligibility The completed list of eligible candidates for each office or position shall be sent to the CNA executive director in order that written notification of nominees may occur and so that the list of nominees for titled officers, directors, commissioners and Ballot Committee may be published in the California Nurse no later than twenty-four (24) weeks preceding the House of DelegatesConvention meeting. B. For all ballots for elections conducted by CNA, names shall be placed on the ballot in random order. Section 3. The Election Process A. The election of CNA officers, two (2) Joint Nursing Practice Commission members, and Ballot Committee members shall be conducted by mailed secret mail ballot to election of the total membership except as otherwise provided for in Article IV, Section 4, of these Bylaws. Members of the Board of Directors, Commissioners and Convention Delegates shall be elected by mailed secret mail ballot to election of the CNA members represented in each region. b. A plurality vote shall elect the officers, directors, Commissioners, delegates and the members of the Ballot Committee as specified in Section 1.A of this Article; and, c. A tie vote for a titled officer or member of the Ballot Committee shall be reconciled by a ballot vote of the House of DelegatesConvention. A tie vote of a director or Commissioner shall be reconciled by a ballot vote of the delegates for the affected Region at the House of DelegatesConvention. E. Vacancies 1. Vacancies for delegates other than the minimum two (2) shall be filled by the alternates with the next highest votes from that region. 2. In the event the above option is exhausted, the vacancy shall be filled by the elected alternate with the next highest votes, regardless of region. F. Ballots, credentials, and election records shall be preserved for one (1) year after announcement of election results. ARTICLE XIII Finance B. The CNA list of eligible candidates which has been submitted by the Ballot Committee shall be prepared in ballot form under the direction of the executive director. (See also Article on Board duties and Finance Committee duties) CNA ballots and candidate information shall be mailed at least ten (10) weeks prior to the first meeting of the next session regular meeting of the CNA House of DelegatesConvention. C. CNA election ballots shall be returned to the CNA office of the Executive Director in care of and addressed to the appointed certified public accountant or independent election firm retained to conduct the election, or to a United States Post Office box designated by the election firm for receipt of ballots. whoThe authorized representative of the independent election firm shall verify the eligibility of each voter, open and count all the ballots. He She/he shall then submit in a sealed envelope the results of the election to the secretary of CNA. Votes for write-in candidates will be counted, but such candidates may be eligible for office only if proper documents are on filethey have filed a Consent to Serve (and any related documentation) with the CNA administrative office before ballots are counted by the CPA independent election firm. Section 1. Fiscal Year A. The fiscal year for CNA shall be July 1 through June 30 of the following year. B. An operating budget shall be prepared annually and shall be subject to the approval of the CNA Board. Section 2. Audits An audit by an independent certified public accountant of CNA assets, liabilities, revenue, and expense accounts shall be made at the end of each fiscal year, upon special request from the CNA Board or House of DelegatesConvention, or in the case of change in personnel responsible for maintaining accounts. ARTICLE XIV Dissolution of CNA D. Report of Election Results Section 1. CNA 1. The CNA election report shall be opened by the a representative of the president Council of Presidents and the candidates and the membership notified of the results. The regions shall be sent the election report for the directors and delegates. a. The election report for titled officers, directors, Commissioners and Ballot Committee shall be read to the House of DelegatesConvention during the first business meeting. M AY 2 0 0 9 A. In the event of the dissolution of CNA, its assets, after payment of all indebtedness, obligations, and cost of dissolution, shall be distributed in accordance with the General Corporation Law of the State of California. B. The CNA may elect to conclude its affairs and voluntarily dissolve by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of at least fifty (50) percent of the members in good standing, or by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the dele- W W W. C A L N U R S E S . O R G REGISTERED NURSE 33