Bylaws.2:Text to Black
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nate is properly credentialed and such alternate shall then
have all the powers of a delegate and be seated with the delegation; and,
c, May, if the alternate list is exhausted and vacancies remain,
appoint as alternates other members of that region who are in
attendance and properly credentialed.
Ballot Committee
1. Insofar as possible, the Ballot Committee members shall be
representative of diversified interest or occupational groups.
2. The Ballot Committee shall meet to consider the CNA ticket at
least nine (9) months preceding the House of Delegateseach
regular Convention meeting.
1. Expenses incurred in carrying out the duties of CNA elective or
appointed positions shall be reimbursed as determined by the
CNA Board.
2. The president shall be reimbursed for percentage of time worked
while performing the duties of the office as defined in these
bylaws and approved by the CNA Board within the financial capabilities of the organization.
3. All requests involving expenditure of general funds shall be submitted to the Finance Committee for its recommendation prior to
CNA Board action. (Finance Article and Board Article.)
4. Reports of the CNA audit shall be published in the CNA periodical within sixty (60) days after completion.
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