4 News Briefs
Michigan RNs take time for learning 5 | RHT
supporters rally in April for tax 6 | RNs expose
Kaiser's $22 billion in reserves while it shortstaffs,
cuts services 7 | Conversations with Kay
8 | Minnesota's Rainy Lake RNs enjoy community
support 9 | Nurses team with community
to save hospital 10 | California legislative update
11 | Verdugo Hills RNs unionize 12 | Maine RNs
fight cuts at their hospital; federal legislation
introduced to grant critical collective bargaining
rights to VA nurses
13 Insist on an RN
Our new campaign reminds everyone that
hands-on, bedside nursing care is irreplaceable.
By RoseAnn DeMoro
14 On a Mission
Massachusetts RNs make their overwhelming
case for ratios and hospital accountability.
By David Schildmeier
16 This is how we do it
Nurses around the world celebrate Nurses Week
with action and advocacy.
Staff report
A P R I L | M AY 2 0 1 4 W W W . N A T I O N A L N U R S E S U N I T E D . O R G N A T I O N A L N U R S E 3
ON THE COVER: "Insist on a registered nurse!"
is the rallying slogan of a new campaign by
National Nurses United to educate nurses
and the public about the critical need for
RNs to provide hands-on care to patients.