4 News Briefs
Massive RN strikes in California and in DC over
staffing, patient care, Ebola prep 6 | Nurses
mobilize public against Leominster layoffs,
restructuring 7 | Conversations with Kay
8 | Minnesota RNs call on government to apply
OSHA standards to Ebola 9 | Michigan RNs win
Ebola protections at one hospital, seek statewide
standard 10 | Florida RN gets reinstated after
unfair discipline related to Ebola; Global Nurses
United RNs call on world leaders to step up on
public healthcare, Ebola, Robin Hood Tax; Hospital
Corporation of America national leadership council
meets to discuss 2015 bargaining
11 Unstoppable Force
There is power in the voice and action of nurses.
By RoseAnn DeMoro
12 The Talking Is Over
California RNs secure landmark, model Ebola
protection standards and continue actions to win
the same nationwide.
Staff Report
N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 W W W . N A T I O N A L N U R S E S U N I T E D . O R G N A T I O N A L N U R S E 3
ON THE COVER: Nearly 1,000 NNU registered
nurses march through the streets of Oakland, Calif.
on Nov. 12 to rally at the federal building. They
called on the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration to adopt the same high Ebola pro-
tection standards as California recently had done.