4 News Briefs
Major NLRB trial against Community Health
Systems begins over labor violations 5 | Minnesota
RNs settle five contracts while one system holds
out; RNs again win Gallup's most honest and
ethical survey 6 | Massachusetts RNs defeat bad
provision in bill 7 | Sutter Health RNs win new
contracts 8 | To honor and mark the passing of
Dr. Quentin Young, a longtime leader among
American physicians in support of a single-payer,
national healthcare system, we are reprinting
a 2007 interview we conducted with him about
why expanding Medicare for all is the only
common-sense health policy for the United States.
10 | Kindred Westminster nurses win first contract;
Maine home health RNs settle contract while others
in state continue bargaining, Eastern Maine RNs
fight to enforce staffing provisions of last contract;
VA nurses use pay survey to secure wage increases
11 Safety First
Our new Health and Safety Division ramps up
our existing work in protecting the occupational
safety of RNs.
By Bonnie Castillo, RN
12 Driving It Home
Nurses have been crisscrossing the nation, touring
more than a dozen swing states, on NNU's big,
red #BernieBus to educate and turn out voters
for Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign.
By Martha Wallner
J A N U A R Y | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 W W W . N A T I O N A L N U R S E S U N I T E D . O R G N A T I O N A L N U R S E 3