overseas or Mexico. My Iowan neighbors inspire me and we can do
this together. Hopping on the bus had allowed me to hope again!"
Jean Ross, RN and NNU copresident, urged nurses to get on
board the #BernieBus to fulfill their responsibility to be patient advo-
cates on a societal as well as individual level. "You can't just say, 'I'm a
good nurse every day just during my shift,'" said Ross. "You have to go
out and tackle the ills that are affecting us. People need jobs to keep
themselves healthy, to put a roof over their heads, to have secure
retirement. Little kids shouldn't have to worry about whether mommy
and daddy have a job. That is a crime in the richest country on the
face of the earth. We all know what we can do about it. Those of us on
the bus are taking it to the streets, so to speak, taking it to you. We're
trying to get people to caucus and vote, and bring a friend!"
Martha Wallner is a communications specialist at National Nurses United.
18 N A T I O N A L N U R S E W W W . N A T I O N A L N U R S E S U N I T E D . O R G J A N U A R Y | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6
Clockwise from top across all pages:
RNs on the #BernieBus visit Paul Bunyan
and Babe in Bemidji, Minn.; Danny Glover
meets RNs in South Carolina; Maine RNs
campaign for Bernie; RNs attend Demo-
cratic debate in Charleston, S.C.; Massa-
chusetts RNs at a Bernie rally in Boston
Common; the New England #BernieBus
tours New Hampshire; Cincinnati VA
RN leader Sadie Hughes-Young speaks in
Columbus, Ohio; RNs and University of
Illinois Chicago students do outreach in
front of Jane Addams Hull House Museum.