4 News Briefs
Texas Tenet RNs win new contract; Minnesota's
student nurses learn importance of legislative
advocacy 5 | Holy Cross organizing activist RN
reinstated 6 | Kindred caregivers join CHEU;
Kindred San Gabriel RNs unionize 7 | RNs get to
study the big-picture reasons for the health inequities
they witness 8 | RNs join in People's Climate March
events around the nation 9 | Hospice of Southern
Maine workers unionize 10 | NNU celebrates
Nurses' Week with national advocacy 11 | St. Rose
and USC hospitals in California win new contracts;
Appalachian Regional Healthcare nurses ratify new
agreement; Affinity RNs in Ohio hold food drive to
protest hospital's withholding of snacks
12 Love Him Like a Brother
Honoring Mike Griffing, our longtime director of
collective bargaining, as he retires.
By RoseAnn DeMoro
14 Because Science!
RNs across the country are actively fighting fossil
fuel projects because they know that climate
disruption poses a danger not only to their patients'
health, but the survival of life on earth.
By Kari Jones
and Lucia Hwang
20 Some Assembly Required
At the 2017 People's Summit, the country's most
progressive thinkers and doers gathered to continue
building our collective movement for social,
economic, and racial justice.
22 Under Pressure
When California lawmakers shirk a vote on
S.B. 562, the single-payer bill, RNs and activists
step up the fight.
M AY | J U N E 2 0 1 7 W W W . N A T I O N A L N U R S E S U N I T E D . O R G N A T I O N A L N U R S E 3
ON THE COVER: RNs in California are spear-
heading efforts to pass S.B. 562, a bill that
would establish a Medicare-style healthcare
system for all state residents. Here, they march
in Sacramento on April 26.
Photo by Kate Usher.