National Nurses United

NNOC 101

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13 VOICE AND RESPECT A STRONGER VOICE FOR SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS "When VA nurses were called to service during the pandemic we jumped into action, putting the care of our veterans first. But we were being asked to care for our patients without the proper personal pro- tective equipment. I am proud to say that after months of action and advocacy we won and secured the promise of single-use PPE at all 23 of our NNOC VA facilities. That is the power of collective action." — Irma Westmoreland, RN, CNA/NNOC Treasurer Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center, Augusta, Ga. PATIENT ADVOCACY WITHOUT FEAR "With NNOC, we feel management respects us and we can advocate for our patients without fear of retaliation. We think our contract ensures patients get the best care possible." — Sara Ramirez, RN Providence Memorial Hospital, El Paso, Texas A STRONGER VOICE TO HELP US ADVOCATE FOR SAFE STAFFING "Our ICU manage- ment was unsafely staffing us at 1:3. We used collec- tive action to file countless ADOs, did marches on the boss, and a series of outdoor actions before winning our 1:2 ratio. When we fight, we win — not just for our- selves, but for our patients, too." — Jessica Soto, RN Carondelet St. Mary's Hospital, Tucson, Ariz. STRONGER VOICE TO HELP US ADVOCATE FOR SAFE STAFFING "We've made improvements as a result of having a union contract. For example, the 'float- ing only to like units' article. Before, as a pre-op nurse I was being floated to L/D, ICU, and med-surg. I now only float to 'like units' where I'm oriented. Thanks to our NNOC contract, I'm confident in the care I'm giving." — Linda Schall, RN Menorah Medical Center, Overland Park, Kan. RN UNITY IS A WIN FOR EVERYONE "When RNs stick together for quality patient care and our professional prac- tice, it is a win for everyone — patients, nurses, our hospital, and the community." — Brenda Saravia, RN, MountainView Hospital, Las Vegas, Nev. Most NNOC contracts include these major elements: X Restrictions on mandatory overtime X Paid educational leave X Nurse representatives — elected staff RN representatives from each unit who can assist in interpreting the contract, filing a grievance, and organizing and communicating within the facility X Annual salary increases and regular longevity step increases X Vacation, sick leave, and holidays X Grievance and arbitration procedure — formal procedures for resolving issues with management X Technology protections — ensuring that new technology will not replace RN professional judgment X Per-diem rights X Retirement plan X Differentials (weekend, shift, charge, and preceptor) X Health benefits (Specifics of a contract vary from facility to facility.)

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