National Nurses United

NNOC 101

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14 A LEGALLY-BINDING CONTRACT STEP 1 FACILITY BARGAINING COUNCIL (FBC) AND RN NEGOTIATING TEAM ESTABLISHED The FBC is the crucial link between the negotiating team and all nurses in the bargaining unit, with rep- resentatives from every shift and unit. The FBC elects the nurse negotiating team. The size of the team is based on the number of RNs in the bargaining unit at your facility. STEP 2 NURSES DECIDE WHAT IS IMPORTANT The FBC distributes a bargaining survey to every staff RN to get their opinions on a wide array of facility- wide and unit-specific issues, from professional education benefits to holidays and floating policies. The results of these surveys help to determine bargaining priorities. STEP 3 NURSES ARE DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN NEGOTIATIONS The elected nurse negotiating team and an NNOC staff labor representative sit across the table from the management team. NNOC provides orientation and training. The negotiating team keeps nurses informed through the publication of regular bargaining updates. General meetings occur at critical junctures through- out the negotiating process. STEP 4 NURSES VOTE ON THE CONTRACT When the team reaches a tentative agreement, it is brought back to the nurses for discussion and a vote. Before any contract goes into effect, it must be approved by a majority of the RNs at the facility in a secret-ballot vote. NNOC NEGOTIATES THE BEST CONTRACTS IN THE NATION Your first NNOC contract negotiations will provide you with an opportunity to work with your nurse colleagues to improve conditions for nurses and enhance protections for patients. With an NNOC contract, your employer cannot unilaterally change your work- ing conditions or reduce salaries and benefits. Any changes in the workplace must be negotiated between manage- ment and RNs. You will elect your nurse colleagues who will represent you at the bargaining table, and of course vote on your contract." — Cathy Kennedy, RN CNA/NNOC President Kaiser Permanente Roseville, Roseville, Calif. " Why RNs Vote for NNOC »

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